

Most of my friends have a tattoo or two. Some have a lot. Some have none.

And even if we are "The tattooed generation" that will fill graves with tramp stamps and tribals in 50 years or so, some people just cant get the sticks out of their arses. 

"Oh my god, she is starting to hang out with some tattooed people, what if she gets one?!", followed by dramatic gasp. 

This, was said by a special person. A person younger than me. I am not saying that everyone should be tattooed nor like tattoos, but one thing needs to be put straight: Tattoos USED to be worn by prisoners, sailors, and general trouble makers. If you had a tattoo, you did not have an easy job being taken seriously. 

However, it is now the freckin' 2000's. Everyone got tattoos; models, politicians, designers, and most of all celebrities. A few life-lessons and a few impulsive youth memories shows character, that one has lived a bit. 

Sweetheart, as long as you don't have bloody skull nailed to your forehead, you're ok.

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