



Man, that's a sweaty bitch.

Tacos. Without the actual tacos.

Ok, Italian food and Italian weather (no excuses to not get out an move), together with being around some active people, made me loose some weight. And build some muscle, together with some confidence. 2 months later, after heavy beer drinking, foods all around at my parents, and watching way too much tv, that weighloss is beyond gone. 

The kilos in question are just 6 kilos, a stone for the British, or 2 giant slurpees in America. Not a big thing, but gaining them that quick doesn't feel good and I want them off.

While in Sweden: long walk and some kind of exercise every 2nd day. What I did today, and two days ago. WOMENS HEALTH ROCKS. (sponsorship? please?)
Future plan for Scotland: Join gym, sign up for some class that I would not usually do (golf definitely if there are still places, trapeze if I have time). Join more classes, get out of the habit of lifting weights alone.

FOODZ: Try to avoid the bread, pasta, rice carbs. More veg and meat for the people! (Kind of like the LCHF diet). Try to avoid the sugar too.

DRINKS: Always carry a water bottle. Before reaching for snack, drink some water and see if I still want it. I read somewhere that most hunger pains actually comes from one being thirsty. 

And with the alcohol; one night of drinking a week. Exception two, but no more binging. Dates are exceptions. Many things one should do sober, but not date. Dear lord no.